Sunday, February 27, 2011
Cordoba, Argentina
Cordoba depresses me. I arrived Sunday morning and the city was ghost town until noon. Many people suggested me to come here, because Cordoba is a great city, the 2nd biggest in Argentina, and blah blah blah. Bah! It's not the first time that happen something like this, that the place isn't above the average but everybody seems enthusiast of it... Maybe it's something wrong with me, but I guess it's only matter that once you've tasted Champagne water doesn't appeal you anymore. Many times I think back at the 2 years I lived in Rome. Rome was an incredible city: full of history, culture, tourists, fun... According to what a Frenchman met in Uyuni said "Rome is the most beautiful city in the world". I agree. Sometimes, travelling all around South America, I ask myself if is it worthy to travel for entire days just to visit newborn historical sights or nasty cities, when you can see much more interesting and rewarding historical things in just one afternoon's stroll in Rome. Living there was amazing, even if tough for many reasons. I could say that for some short moments I felt something closer to what is called happiness. Then everything quickly drowned away, but I'm glad to have lived that experience, at least to understand the meaning of the word "richness": to feel rich, to feel the need of nothing else, even with an empty pocket.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cafayate, Argentina

Anyway, the news of the day is that I'm still alive after having travelled along one of the most scenic routes in Argentina and, maybe, the whole South America. Because of that route I reserved a ticket for the front seat on the upper deck of the bus: was the first time I ever had that place. Everything was fine until that stupid driver hitted with the upper deck of the bus a tree branch, exactly in front of my head... I've seen a tree hitting my head. The glass shattered, some splinters explodes on me but, for my luck, the glass didn't fall out, otherwise I would have been in serious serious troubles. Fuck off bloody fate, is that all you can do??? Ah!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tourists? Bah!
-Where did you travel before?
-Well, let's say something like around the world... it's almost 7 months I'm on the road.
-What? Alone? You've been really lucky that nothing bad happened to you! You could have been killed, you could have been slaughtered!
-Maybe the vampires out there don't like the taste of my flesh...
-But how... how could it possible you did it???
-If you want, you can.
-Mmmmmh... are you son of a rich?
-Maybe. What about you, are you son of a bitch?
-Well, let's say something like around the world... it's almost 7 months I'm on the road.
-What? Alone? You've been really lucky that nothing bad happened to you! You could have been killed, you could have been slaughtered!
-Maybe the vampires out there don't like the taste of my flesh...
-But how... how could it possible you did it???
-If you want, you can.
-Mmmmmh... are you son of a rich?
-Maybe. What about you, are you son of a bitch?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tilcara, Argentina

Anyway, after some weeks spent on the Andes in 5 different countries, tomorrow I'm gonna leave this mountain range. Now I can say with no doubt that the Andes are higher, wilder and bigger than the Alpes, but the Alpes are definitely much much much more beautiful. Word of Lonelytraveller, Amen.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tupiza, Bolivia

Tomorrow I leave for a 3 days tour to the Salar de Uyuni, the biggest salt flat in the world.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Journey to hell: Potosi, Bolivia

Having a tour into one of those mines just for few hours has been eyes-opening for me. Once more, it was the closer thing to hell I've ever seen. Walking (but it's better say crawling) those narrow dark labyrinth of tunnels, with mineral's dust making the air unbreathable and the hot climate making you sweat for each single step, into the mud, along arsenic-covered rocks, potentially dangerous gas and an endless effort required, made me definitely understand I'm a very lucky one. I cannot ignore that.

For sure, I'm gonna leave this place with less energies but a little bit more of consciousness and wisdom.
PS: The picture above shows you all the consciousness and wisdom I was talking about... Just a stupid tourist who plays with dynamite!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dead Calm...
When I was on the catamaran to Colombia, in the middle of the open sea, for a couple of times I've thought at the movie "Dead Calm" (Ore 10: Calma piatta, 1989). I was thinking what the hell I gonna do, in a such place, if someone goes crazy? That was the kind of thoughts everybody does, but everybody knows it's just a stupid thought resulting of the too many movies we have watched in our lives. Well, sometimes imagination is closer to reality than what you ever may think. Especially when me is involved.
The captain wasn't the friendliest person on Earth, but I must admit he has been almost always kind with me. He taught me the first steps how to swim, he gave me as a present an (half) bottle of rhum before leaving, and he asked me if I wanted to help him on the boat for the next month. What if I said him "yes"? What if I decided for living that experience in the Caribbean Sea?
The captain wasn't the friendliest person on Earth, but I must admit he has been almost always kind with me. He taught me the first steps how to swim, he gave me as a present an (half) bottle of rhum before leaving, and he asked me if I wanted to help him on the boat for the next month. What if I said him "yes"? What if I decided for living that experience in the Caribbean Sea?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
La Paz, Bolivia

Friday, February 11, 2011
Sad news from Panama
God, that`s too bad and it`s not a joke as I was thinking at a first glance.
Jean Pierre Bouhard, the French captain of the boat I took from Panama to Colombia, has been found murdered last Saturday, thrown into the ocean with the body tied up with chains and an anchor.
Javier, the Spanish guy who asked us 60 dollars each at the hostel the day before sailing (and the same one who Jean Pierre reported as a scam on us), he`s supposed to be involved in the crime.
At the moment, Don North - the owner of the catamaran Levante - and the boat itself are missing.
You can read the full articles here:
Jean Pierre Bouhard, the French captain of the boat I took from Panama to Colombia, has been found murdered last Saturday, thrown into the ocean with the body tied up with chains and an anchor.
Javier, the Spanish guy who asked us 60 dollars each at the hostel the day before sailing (and the same one who Jean Pierre reported as a scam on us), he`s supposed to be involved in the crime.
At the moment, Don North - the owner of the catamaran Levante - and the boat itself are missing.

You can read the full articles here:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Lake Titicaca, Perù

As the weather was cloudy but not rainy, today I've been to visit the amazing floating island settled in the Titicaca. The floating islands are an archipelago of about 50 small islands created by Uros indios by using a layer of ground and multiple layers of plants, which allow the island to float for about 10 years if well preserved. Imagine these guys, wasn't too much isolated for them to live on the Andes at 3600m, they wanted to move living in the middle of the lake! Well, the reality is that they started building these floating islands to escape from the Spanish conquistadores in Pizarro's era, then it become tradition living there.
Anyway, as usual, with the first cold winds and bad weather, my throat start to be sore. As I'm running out of the cheap medicines got in China, I went to a local pharmacy to try to get some Amoxicillina. I'm saying "trying" because all over the world is sold only under medical prescription. Well, for the guy into the pharmacy there was no problem at all to sell it for few "soles". I only wonder what else he sells with no prescription... Mmmmmh, maybe is this the business I was looking for? eheheh
Monday, February 7, 2011
Arequipa, Perù

Tomorrow it's my birthday. Will be exactly 6 months I'm on the road. Many memories, places, cities, adventures lived, persons come and gone. The time of my life? I'm celebrating it moving to Puno, on the gentle shores of lake Titicaca.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Machu Picchu, Perù

Well, it's since a long I'm not student anymore and I've always been the only teacher of myself. So I've thrown that supid guidebook away and I've got my freedom back. Now I'm gonna travel only by the advices of the people I meet on my way.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lima, Perù

I loved to read that in Peru', a country so far away from Italy, someone still remember him.
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