Some months ago, when moved back from Rome, I had an unexpected source of profit by reviewing, for a traveller's guide, the service areas of the whole Italian motorway network. The most logical destination for those money earned travelling is financing a brand new travel, I thought. No sooner said than done, here I am! Everything's ready to go now: I've got the visas, the tickets, and a huge backpack filled with the essential stuff. Tomorrow morning I catch a train from Milano to Venice, then, in the afternoon, I'll get a bus which slowly lead me, in 20 hours, to Sofia, Bulgaria.
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost."
...and that is precisely what I plan to do: wander.
Grande Teo! Chissà se hai già ultimato la traversata dei Balcani verso le lande bulgare...
ReplyDeleteRicorda che in ottobre vagherò tra Laos e Vietnam, perciò se prosegui di buona lena verso est ci potremmo anche incontrare laggiù, chi puo dirlo?
Che il vento soffi sempre alle tue spalle
uela' Tonio, scrivo da Plovdiv, in Bulgaria... posto spettacolare!!!
ReplyDeleteLaos? mmmh... ci penso su un po' e ti faccio sapere!