'No, you can't. No more bullshit, man.' replied Yahoo.com, the highest master of internet knowledge. 'Now that the gatherıng is on you can't turn back.'
The former members of that exploration were joined by Anna & Monika - two Polish girls coming from the sunny town of Guwno - and Antonio from Portugal. So, together, the members of that shitty tour began to explore the underground city. It was dark, narrow and smelly. Everyone was scared. Fear was in the air.
'Holy shit!' exclaimed lonely traveller. 'Who are you???'
'Don't you have already understood it?' the burping voice replied from deep inside the cave: 'I'm the spirit of the Holy Burp.'
'What do you want from us, Mr. Burp?'
'To show you the way'
'Which way?'
'The way to purity' said the voice. Then a dramatic burp made the underground city vibrating once more. Then the silence.
While s(h)itting there in the dark, the members of that shitty tour were thinking which kind of message Holy Burp wanted them to know, which was the deeper meaning of those burps. One beer later, they understood it: he wanted to make them know that he was inside all of them, he was part of them, like soul itself.
Burping was the answer: the way to purity, to long life and happiness.
hahaha, that was The Best Shitty Tour ever :)