Sunday, August 22, 2010

Moscow, Russia

It took almost 15 hours the minibus I`ve got from Volgograd to reach Moscow, the capital of Mother Russia! To anyone is asking why I didn`t use trains I reply that I always prefer travelling by bus when possible, passing inside the cities allow you to have a better view of the place crossed and seeing the landscapes that otherwise you miss by train`s route. But this time it has been a really adventurous trip. I mean, the road was a kind of rollercoaster as I never seen before, the bad asphalt shaked my ass off as I had no way to fall asleep for a minute, while the driver was pushing to an insane speed that freaky old rusty van all night long... Crossing Russian steppe has been amazing: I`m back into big empty spaces, hundreds kilometers without a village at the horizon, just dry burned grass. Well, after 3 hours we had a break in a wooden gas station, overwhelmed by trucks and honey sellers. When the seller saw me taking a picture, she asked me if I wanted to marry her daughter: maybe next time, I said, now a photo of your honey jar is enough... ahaha


  1. Great Matteo!
    Back from China, I can read only now.. your post are rays of light for us in Milano!

    Un abbraccio,

  2. Bella Teo,
    ho sentito di un ottimo residence in centro a Mosca dove poter pernottare.....le stanza sono un po' anguste, umide, poco illuminate....potresti provare a chiedere una chiama Lubianka! :-)

    a presto

  3. Grazie a tutti per il Vs. cortese supporto!
    ...sospettosi e amichevoli come sono da queste parti, pero`, io non ci scherzerei troppo sull`eventualita` di vedermi soggiornare all`Hotel Lubianka! :)
