I`m in
Ulan Ude, the main city of Buryatia, an autonomous region in Siberia where West seems definitely disappered to East. Here is where Gengis Khan was born and nowadays people in Ulan Ude looks definitely like Mongolians more than Russians. The city as well, even if Soviet-style, has a truly different taste from those ones I`ve been used to see since last weeks of travel. The city has two main sights to visit: the biggest Lenin`s head in the world and, just few kilometres far from the city, a Buddhist temple which was the main centre of Russian Buddhism and the only one survived to Stalinist repression. I`ve seen both and they`re really interesting, but mainly the temple which was for me the first one I`ve ever visited.

Anyway, tomorrow I leave Russia. During these weeks of travel I`ve learnt how to enjoy this country and its people, and even if sometimes I thought some things were crazy to me, I guess Russia is one of the most democratic place ever seen. I`m sure I will miss it: I will miss the majesty of his nature, his blue electric sky, his people, his immoderate lifestyle, his language. Maybe, I will miss even those tomatoes and cucumbers sold almost everywhere. Good memories, but they`re past. The future now is the bus I`ll catch tomorrow morning: destination Ulaan Bator, Mongolia.
Qualche settimana fa ero quasi al confine mongolo in territorio cinese, con l'irresistibile voglia, ma non il tempo, di farci un giro... Se a dicembre sei ancora in zona Asia ci potremmo vedere magari in Birmania!
chi puo` dire dove saro` a dicembre: anche la mongolia non era stata pianificata minimamente a tavolino... se sono in zona, di sicuro ci si incrocia!