Freedom of speech is pure utopia. I was in Tien`Anmen square when one man with some writings to his neck sitted down in the mid of crowd for a silent demonstration. After 2 minutes police got him, 2 minutes later he was moved into the police cab. Photos were obviously not allowed and a girl who took the picture has been forced to delete it.
The Chinese economy grows very quickly, but what about the copyrights? Just have a tour to the Silk Market, the biggest bazar in Beijing, to understand all the main brands sold there are fake. And what about human rights not respected, the death penalty (with more than 5000 executions per year, China is leader also in this sad statistic), and the respect to environment (aka Kyoto protocol)?
Nobody talk too much on these topics. In other words, the great wall built by government to keep the world far from Chinese boundaries works. Works well. Time to break it has come, don`t you think?
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