Now I know why they are so called bullet trains, they are so freaking fast you really cannot imagine what it means until you have placed your ass on one of them. And you cannot even understand how they are crazily expensive: just think that if I hadn't a pass (which I had to buy out of Japan only) today's trip was around 160 euros! Well, I went to Hiroshima, the first city targeted by an atomic bomb in the history of human kind in 1945, two days before Nagasaki. No need to say anything else about it but sadness, for this kind of tragedies words are empty. Then I headed to the beautiful and traffic free Miyajima island, home of one of the most famous and photographic temples of Japan. I met there a photographer from Usa, one of those professionals who sells pictures to Getty Images and big companies like that. He is going to spend 6 weeks in Japan and plans to get at least 25.000 pictures, After all, it will take about 8 months the whole post-production process... Well, after this story, are you still thinking I am photo addicted???
...not at all but still in good position :)