Ok, after being upset the last days for the most unfriendly and unhelpful hostel staff ever, the worst guests at all, the rains, the cold frozen wind blowing all day long over my congested throat and no warm clothes to face it, now it`s time to have a step back and saying what I think on New York. New York is not a nice city if considered within the common aestethic standards, the people is pretty unfriendly compared to the rest of US where everybody is amazing, the weather is tough, many areas are crap, but... it`s so damn` charming! You can`t describe the unbelievable melting pot

of people and culture here, each area seems to be a different city with its own culture and identity. Just think that today I made my round the world journey once more: from Little Italy to Chinatown and then Manhattan, thousand kilometers resumed in a few minutes walk! New York is one of those cities to live more than visiting, you can easily spend days simply strolling around the city neighbourhoods while takin` tons of pics... and I`m sure this won`t be the last time for me in NY. People knows I`m a country boy, I don`t like big cities and blah blah blah, but I feel to fit perfecly into this society, this lifestyle.
I feel home much more here than Milan.
"I feel home much more here than Milan"
ReplyDeleteConcordo in pieno.
Home..home..home... i read this word to much... keep on going!
ReplyDeleteWe want you on the road!
Christmas is coming, and I`m getting out of money... Please make a 1$ donation to a stranded lonelytraveller: 1$ is nothing for you, but for me means at least one McDouble, fueling me enough to visit one more city...
ReplyDeleteLet the quest continues!!!
PS: I`m writing from the visitor centre in Nashville, Tennesse, and I`m freezing my ass...