So I jumped on the first available flight off the “old world” (which still remains my favourite continent indeed) and I landed at Malpensa international airport, 40 km far from the city centre of Milan. That was the second flight took for the whole journey, just to cross the Atlantic ocean. Instead of reaching Milan, I decided to take the way of Ghemme – a small countryside town not far from the Alpes – because I wished to close the line drawn around the world here and, even if I grew up in Milan, because the time spent in Ghemme has been much more valuable (above, a picture I took of the local river; on the contrary, to see me dancing naked on mountains you gotta wait for summer, too cold at this time! ). Few days here will also help me to realize that the dream is over and it’s time to get back to reality… After 8 months of travel I need some money to earn now. I gotta get a job for a while but I will be back, hopefully soon. I realize that all of my life has been beaten out by the rhythm of travels: when I was 18 the first glorious journey ever travelling by car from Milan to North Cape and back; when I finished university hitchhiking from Alaska all the way down to Mexico; now this big loop around the world… What I’m saying is that the issue ain’t if Lonelytraveller will hit the road again or not, but just when and where.